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Dogs Needing Homes

We are based in the home counties
but we can consider the rest of UK


Meet Sammy a 8 year old entire White German Shepard
He is fully vaccinated and in good condition with no concerns
He is very loving and affectionate towards kennel staff and he listens to simple commands and can be trained very well.

Sammy can walk past other dogs without a problem but if he goes past an intact male then he will explain to them that he is there.
He is cautious of people he has not met before and like most Shepherds, if put in a situation he’s not comfortable, he will explain that he is not comfy.
However he has never caused anybody any harm and can easily be trained he just needs time put in to him.

Sammy was surrendered through social services as the owner could no longer look after him which is sad.

If you feel you can offer him the right home,
please complete the short application form and we will come back to you


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please ring or email Garbo on 020 8546 4943 / garbo@garbosgsdrescue.co.uk and we will arrange a home check and visit.
Other contacts see our details on our contact page.

Alternatively, please complete the enquiry form

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© Copyrighted Garbo's German Shepherd Dog Rescue 2009